Online CRE Education
On-Demand online education as an alternative to in-person classes.
On-Demand allows you to watch the video at your convenience – you can even pause and return later to continue.
You’ll find a mix of your favorite and new instructors and the content is exactly what you would expect at one of our live events. Bloopers included!
All Classes have been approved by the CEMarketplace for Michigan continuing education credit.
Once you complete a class, we will receive a notification and will report your credit(s) to CEMarketplace within 10 days of completion.
CEMarketplace will send you a certificate or you can log into your account at to download a certificate.
Follow-up communication to Instructors is welcome!
Questions: or 810-603-0676
The materials and information contained on this website are for general educational and informational purposes only. They are not intended to be relied upon or a substitute for professional real estate, accounting, tax, legal or other advice of a competent professional and not warranted to be current, accurate or complete. The user has the responsibility to evaluate the information and make an independent determination as to its usefulness for their particular situation and purposes. No attorney -client or other professional, advisory or fiduciary relationship is established. The authors, lecturers, presenters and CBOR and its agents and employees all disclaim any liability arising from the reliance on or use of any of this material or information. Any user of the materials or information waives and releases all possible claims against the authors, lecturers, presenters and CBOR and its agents and employees.
Understanding Michigan’s Requirements
To remain compliant and meet the continuing education requirements for renewal, licensees need at least 18 total credit hours every three years. Within these 18 hours, two hours of Legal credit and 1 hour of Fair Housing credit must be taken in each year you are licensed. The additional 9 credits to reach a total of 18 prior to renewal may be credits of any type (legal or elective) and may be taken at any time during the three-year period.
To find your license expiration date(s), click here to use the Accela lookup tool provided by LARA.
The month and date of your license expiration is your new deadline each year to complete your 2 hours of Legal credit and 1 hour of Fair Housing credit.
To identify your continuing education period, count back three years from your individual expiration date.
The resource for all Con Ed Tracking is the CE Marketplace. CBOR will continue to obtain approval for instructors and class topics and will also continue to submit individual attendance to the CE Marketplace, which will provide attendees a certificate verifying attendance. Click here to access the CE Marketplace

LARA Fair Housing CE Requirement
The Public Act 246 of 2023 amended the Michigan Occupational Code to require that all real estate professionals complete one hour of continuing education in each year of the license cycle concerning compliance with local, State or Federal fair housing law. The law will become effective on February 13, 2024, meaning those renewing their license after that date are required to comply with this new law.
For those renewing within the first year of the effective date of the law, if selected for a Continuing Education Audit, the Department will take into consideration the shortened window for you to comply with the new law. For those renewing more than 1-year after the effective date of the law (after February 13, 2025), if selected for a Continuing Education Audit, the Department will use its discretion but would expect that at least one hour of this new training is completed for each license cycle year since the law went into effect.
A complete copy of the amended law can be found here. A complete copy of the rules can be found here.
Code of Ethics Training
NAR’s Board of Directors approved a change to the Code of Ethics training requirement, extending it from every two years to every three years. This extends the current cycle deadline from Dec. 31, 2024, to Dec. 31, 2027.
REALTORS® are required to complete ethics training of not less than 2 hours, 30 minutes of instructional time. The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®.
Training may be completed through NAR’s online courses or through another method, such as online or classroom courses via local/state associations. Read the consequences for failing to complete Code of Ethics training.
Courses offered by 3rd-party providers designed for state CE credit may count towards your association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics Training Requirement, but NAR does not track such courses nor approve them. Individuals considering those courses should check with their local association of REALTORS® to ascertain whether any such course will count, as only local associations approve courses.