As May, 2018 marks Swisher Commercials 50th anniversary, John Swisher III would like to share a few thoughts with the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area community.
/nA Word from the Swisher Family
/n50 years ago, Swisher Commercial was founded by my father, John E. Swisher Jr., and myself on the premise that there was a need for an independent and local commercial real estate firm that would act with the highest integrity and represent buyers and sellers; landlords and tenants in a fair, open and honest way. I learned from my father that your reputation and relationships mean everything. If we prioritized honesty and diligence in working for our clients’ success, word would spread that we were not only specialists in commercial property but a business partner who could be trusted to do the job right and always in an honorable way. We understood early on, that to be recognized experts in the local and national commercial real estate arena, we needed to grow the company by adding the most qualified brokerage, investment and management specialists. We did that and those individuals are at the heart of the success that Swisher Commercial has attained. That was the philosophy then and remains true for Swisher Commercial today. By adding these hardworking, dedicated and knowledgeable people, we would have something special and establish our place as leaders in the market.
/nThroughout my career, I’ve taken great pride in my ability to attract excellent people, a pattern that Swisher Commercial has successfully continued after my retirement. When I see Swisher signs, read articles about transactions that the Swisher team has accomplished for their clients, or hear about our brokers’ community involvement, I feel proud to have been a part of it and I know my father would be very proud too.
/nMy father once said to me, “You can always hold your head up if you are honest and work hard. If you treat someone badly, that will always be remembered, so keep in mind that your reputation is yours not to lose”.
/nJohn E. Swisher III